Funchal, Madeira Islands, Portugal
昨天才在西班牙領土,可今天卻又身在葡萄牙境內,人在旅途,那份感覺很奇妙!事實上都是歐洲地方,對我們亞洲人而言,分別不大,但只要你留心,那格調還是挺不相同的。今天的導遊也是用雙語廣播,英語跟德語,但兩者皆非其母語,卡薩布蘭加的老導遊倍令我懷念,因為他每次轉英語頻道時,必定會高調地:" Ladies & Gentlemen! ...... "
豐沙爾 - 葡萄牙的馬德拉島首府,在岸上觀光推介的資料中,有這樣的一段文字形容 Funchal : When describing Funchal, the great Portuguese poet, playwright and author, Julio Dinis wrote, " The sea on one side, the mountains on the other, and between these two majestic splendours, the city smiles like a child sleeping, safe and warm, between its parents." We can't think of a prettier and more inviting introduction to this beautiful Mediterranean haven.